1 | Sri Girijakanta Pati, OFS-II, Account Officer(FW) | Directorate of Family Welfare, Odisha | 9437138529 | aodfwodisha@gmail.com |
2 | Sri Bibekananda Bhoi, Accounts Member | Odisha Sales Tax Tribunal, Cuttack | 9938632322 | bibekananda.bhoi @odisha.gov.in |
3 | Shri
Lukas Pradhan, OAS, (SAG) Addl. I.G. of Prisons | Directorate of Prisons and Correctional Services, Odisha | 7077654820 | lukaspddrda65@gmail.com |
4. | Smt. Bhagyabati Sethy, Establishment Officer | Director, SIH&FW Odisha, Bhubaneswar | 8328856320 | sethybhagyabati@gmail.com |
5. | Smt. Dibarani Dora, Addl. Controller of Accounts -cum-CVO | Controller of Accounts, Odisha, Bhubaneswar. | 9437552718, Ph - 0674-2394293. | dibarani2014@gmail.com |
6. | Sri Debaish Patnaik, OAS (S), Additional Director | Directorate of Mines & Geology, Bhubaneswar | 9438129090 | dirmines_odisha@redffmail.com |
7. | Er. Kishore Chandra Rout, Addl. Chief Engineer | Office of the Enginner-in-Chief, P.H. Odisha | 9437238858 | eicphodisha@gmail.com |
8. | Sri Sujan Saraswata, Asst. Secy, Legal | Odisha State Legal Services Authority | 9437959731 | oslsa1997@gmail.com |
9. | Ashok Kumar Panda, OAS (SAG), Director, ESI Scheme | Directorate of Employees State Insurance Sceme, Odisha | 9437263981 | directorsis@gmail.com |
10. | Smt. Jayanti Mohanty, Administrative Officer | Office of the Director of Handicrafts, Odisha | 9437491853 | jayantimohanty53@gmail.com |
11. | Annapurna Singhsardar, Section Officer | Small Savings Branch, Savings and Financial Services Branch | 9178004316 | smallsavingsbranchhfd@gmail.com |
12. | Shri S. Praveen Kumar, IPS | Odisha Police State Headquarters, Cuttack | 0671-2339509 , 8331908200 | spraveen.IPS@gov.in |
13. | Dr. Himansu Bhusan Panda, IOFS, Additional Commissioner | Gopabandhu Academy of Administration | 9422172230 | atiodisha@gmail.com/ atiodisha@nic.in |
14 | Saurajit Roy | EIC(Electricity)-cum-PCEI | 8895084600 | cetcl-od@gov.in |
15 | Smt. Ranjita Mary Nayak, OAS(SB), Deputy Secretary to Government | Directorate of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha | 9777969575 | milismile3@gmail.com |
16 | Smt. Anamika Singh, OAS-A(SB), Deputy Director (Administration) | DTE&T Department | 9937915836 | anamikaa836@gmail.com |
17 | Sri Niranjan Sahoo, OES(SB) Joint Director | Directorate of Elementary Education, Odisha | 9437414157 | |
18 | Sri Binod Kumar Senapati, Joint Director(Administration) | Director of Agriculture & Food Production, Odisha | 9437251144 | bndsenapati@gmail.com |
19 | Sri Sanjit Panda, Deputy Director (Sr) | Madhusudan Das Regional Academy of Financial Management, Bhuibaneswar | 7377716274 | Sanjitpanda129@gmail.com |
20 | Shri Hemanta Kumar Mishra, CVO-cum-Director(Technical) | Directorate of Printing, Stationary and Publication | 8249420631 | |
21 | Shri Ananta Ch. Pradhan, Senior Administrative Officer | Directorate of Printing, Stationary and Publication | 7978921740 | |
22 | Sri Chintamani Sethi, Superintending Engineer (Civil) | Office of the Engineer in Chief (Civil), Odisha | 8327779701 | chintamanice97@yahoo.com |
23 | Sri Manoranjan Mahapatra, OFS (SAG), Addl. Director | Director of Local Fund Audit, Odisha | 9437504055 | mrmahapatra24@gmail.com |
24 | Er. Kishore Chandra Rout, Addl. Chief Engineer | Office of the Engineer in Chief, Public Health Odisha | 9437238858 | eicphodisha@gmail.com |
25 | Shri Priyabrata Panda | Office of the Registrar, Cooperative Societies | 7760208844 | panda.priyabrata@gmail.com |
26 | Deepak Kumar Kar, Additional Diector Geology | | | |
27 | Sri Pradipta Kumar Sahoo, IFS | Conservator of Forests (ME&IV) | 9777083085 | padmin.pccfoff@odisha.gov.in |
28 | Sri Samyak Samantara, Dy. Conservator of Forests | Forest and Climate Change Deptt. | 9437204374 | samyak.ofs@gmail.com |
29 | Sri Poreddy Sanjeeva Reddy, IFS, Dy. Conservator of Forests (KL) | Forest and Climate Change Deptt. | 9410904728 | srsanjeevreddy8@gmail.com |
30 | Sri Saurajit Ray | Office of the Engineer in chief in electricity cum principal chief electrical inspector | 8895084600 | cetcl-od@gov.in |
31 | Sri Jitendra Mohanty, Company Secretary | The Odisha state police housing & welfare corporation ltd. | 9668830555 | csjmohanty74@gmail.com |
32 | Kishore Kumar Naik, Addl. Director | Directorate of Treasuries & Inspection, Odisha, BBSR | 9437075202 | kishorekumar.naik@gov.in |
33 | Christopher Jacob | Tata Power | 9448352653 | christopher.jacob@tpcentralodisha.com |
34 | Sri Rajendra Prasad Prusty, Executive Engineer | Directorate of Soil Conservation and Water Shed Development | 8260022713 | rajendraprusty1969@gmail.com |
35 | Sri Manoranjan Mahapatra, OFS (SAG), Addl. Director | Directorate of Local Fund Audit, Odisha | 9437504055 | mrmahapatra24@gmail.com |